Business Partnerships 2023-24

FAST Family PTO welcomes the opportunity to partner with your business. We value our business partners and take steps to recognize your contributions. 

You can combine a cash contribution with in-kind donations to reach your desired Business Partnership level.  Use the In-kind Donation Form


Simply select your desired cash contribution level below and fill out the notes section so we can contact you regarding your partnership. 


We truly appreciate your critical support!  


Item DescriptionPriceQty
 Business Partnership - Bronze Rocket
Benefits include: more

 Business Partnership - Silver Rocket
Benefits include: more

 Business Partnership - Gold Rocket
Benefits include: more

 Business Partnership - Platinum Rocket
Benefits include: more

Please provide us with your business name, mailing address, email, website and social media. 

Will you be providing any in-kind contributions in addition to your cash donation selected above? Please provide the details in the box above and fill out the In-Kind Donation Form here:

Please provide us with the Business Logo you would like us to use in our marketing materials. 

In-Kind Donations will be considered on a case by case basis. 

*Events may inlcude Fall Trunk or Treat, Fall International Night, Spring Family FUN Festival
** Business Partners who want to contribute with In-Kind Donations, will have the option to purchase the PTO Rocket Membership ($30) to stay up-to-date on FAST Family PTO happenings.  


Partnership benefits will run through the 2023-2024 school year.

FAST Family PTO is a 501c3 organization. You may be eligible to claim a tax deduction for your contribution.


Please contact us with questions -

Thank you for your support!